43 NSM Cows & 44 Calves, Eulo

43 NSM Cows & 44 Calves, Eulo

43 NSM Cows & 44 Calves

Buyers a good line of 43 x 44 Angus & Hereford X cows and calves for your competition. Cows present in store to forward condition and are best described as being medium frame. This is the final stage of the Dundoo herd dispersal as property is now sold. Cows have been proven breeders and will continue to perform as replacements or are ideal trade units for a fatten and split job. Cows are doing a great job on calves with an average weight of 138kg, all calves are unmarked with 25 x heifers & 19 x males. At assessment 1 x cow noticed with a slight blue eye & 1 x cow noticed with a large growth on head please refer to photos but does not seem to be bothering or affecting cow. The odd calf noticed to have some ring worm marks but not seen as detrimental. This a good tidy line of cows & calves and the last of the Dundoo herd.

Available on Auctions Plus Eastern States Cattle Sale, 22nd July 2022, 10 am

Contact Sam on 0428 020 289
