740 Woolgrower Wether Lambs, Quilpie

740 Woolgrower Wether Lambs, Quilpie

740 Woolgrower Wether Lambs

Buyers an opportunity to buy a line of highly regarded woolgrower wethers that present in strong store condition and have plenty of frame. The Whynot wethers are known for their ability to cut big quality wool cuts and grow out to big heavy wethers for the kill job as mutton. These weathers are going ahead well after producing a great wool clip of 4kgs in 9 months. At assessment 6% of wethers had normal wether horn but a further 19% had small late cut horns done 3 weeks ago. There was 20 lambs in the entire run marked at shearing which have all healed up. There is the odd lamb that still shows an old purse from marking, the odd shearing nick and also a few lambs with some dags still left on from shearing. A total of 2,220 lambs being offered as 3 x lots of 740 with delivery a run out the gate. Great opportunity to buy a run of Mumblebone blood wether lambs.

Available on Auctions Plus Tuesday National Lamb Sale, 5th July 2022, 1pm

Contact Sam on 0428 020 289